In addition to a standard master class format, I am also available to present the following workshops:

For flutists

 “Becoming a Practice Wizard”: Explore various practice techniques to train fingers and embouchures and more efficiently learn literature. Lecture-demonstration with group playing and volunteer performers. JR, HS

“Field Guide to Extended Techniques for Beginners”: Learn how to execute and practice all of the most standard extended techniques in modern literature, including some basics of beat boxing, and incorporate them into simple melodies. Includes group playing. HS, CC

“Finding Our Inner Voices as Flutists”: Learn physical warm-ups modeled after traditional vocal exercises and explore Dr. Riner’s Expression Workbook, which uses classic bel canto-era vocalises to fully develop tone color and control. Lecture-demonstration with volunteer performers. HS, CC

“Same Song, New Words”: Take a tour through some of our most beloved exercise books to explore new ways of practicing some of the exercises to maximum benefit.  Books workshopped can include Moyse’s 24 Little Melodic Studies and De La Sonorite and Taffanel-Gaubert’s 17 Daily Exercises. Lecture-demonstration with volunteer performers. HS, CC

 For all musicians

“Maximum Capacity Breathing”: Dr. Riner leads the group through breathing exercises with and without instruments to discover how we can use our air most efficiently, thereby improving tone and expression. Includes group activities; for musicians on any instrument. JR, HS, CC

“Anatomy of a Commission”: Dr. Riner takes the class through the entire process of commissioning a new work, from find a composer and fund raising to writing the contract. She will also perform parts of some of the pieces she has commissioned and discuss their genesis. Lecture-demonstration; for musicians on any instrument. CC

“The Business of Music”: Dr. Riner leads the class through the process of developing a unique persona as a freelance artist, creating a press kit and other essential publicity tools, and booking gigs. Lecture/Q&A; for musicians on any instrument. CC


Key to suggested age levels:

JR-Junior High/Middle School

HS-High School


Email nicole [dot] riner [at] gmail [dot] com or click on Contact to schedule.